4 Holiday Balance Tips
December 15, 2020

Be kind to yourself. There’s no such thing as being perfectly in balance. Each day is a re-calibration. We have to be willing to adjust depending on the day and stage of life we’re navigating through. For many people, the holidays are a difficult time when there’s so much craziness and stress, and many of us are processing grief, too.

No matter what we’re experiencing, the holidays remind us to be patient with ourselves and one another, grateful for our blessings, and to express the love in our hearts.

Here are four tips to help you maintain balance through the holidays.

Presence over presents.

Calm your mind by practicing present-moment awareness. Be in the moment. Listen to loved ones without interrupting. Notice signals in the body, like stress, and be willing to do less busyness to enjoy more quality time around the holidays. Tip: Take 2 minutes every morning and night to notice the breath flow in and out. This is balancing for the nervous system and relaxing, too. Who doesn’t need that?

Move your body.

We each hold stress uniquely in the body. Move your body to free the mind, whether that’s through sports, dance, yoga, gardening or a hike. Ramona is beautiful in the winter. Tip: It sounds simple, but make time to get out, move and explore. Take a leisurely walk at the Ramona Grasslands or Dos Picos Park, or stroll through Old Town Ramona.

Taste the rainbow.

Baking cookies and treats is fun and a thoughtful gesture this time of year. But, too much sugar will eventually cause a crash. Instead, help your body’s ability for long-lasting energy and balance out your mood by eating nutritious meals and colorful, healthy snacks. Tip: Instead of sugary sweet treats, eat and offer your guests a colorful combo of strawberries and green grapes with flavored dipping honeys. And keep your electrolyte levels balanced the homemade way. In a pint of room temperature water, add half a lemon and sprinkle in a pinch of pink Himalayan sea salt. Add a slice of fresh ginger for a festive flavor.

Get your Zzzs.

Sleep is one of the main pillars of health. Quality sleep helps improve memory, concentration and mood. Tip: Relax the mind before bed and stay off that cell phone and other electronic devices starting at least an hour before falling asleep. That’s right—unplug! It’s one of the keys to staying balanced through the holidays.

Have a healthful Happy Hanukkah and Merry Christmas!

Remember to commit to your Self Care throughout the holidays, so you can stay present, grateful, and give generously from your overflow. You can practice Yoga with Tracy from home by registering to her Radiant monthly membership. Click HERE to be redirected.

Tracy is a certified master level certified yoga therapist whose Radiant Centre appears frequently at different locations around southern California.

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